Memories of a Child: Aspects of Life Before, During and After the Holocaust


With Judy Jacobs, recipient of the 2016 UMKC Alumni Defying the Odds Award

Co-Sponsored by the UMKC School of Education and the Henry W. Bloch School of Management

Tuesday, April 19
5:30-6:30 p.m.
Bloch Executive Hall, Room 218 

Judy Jacobs, MBA '77, PhD '86


Judy is one of the few Holocaust survivors in the Kansas City area who is still able to talk about her experiences.  After Germany occupied Hungary in 1944, she and her family were placed in the Bergen Belsen concentration camp when she was seven years old.  She lost many loved ones in the gas chambers of Auschwitz.  When Judy and her parents were freed, she was sent to boarding school while her parents began to rebuild their lives.  Judy and her family immigrated to the US in 1946.  Despite everything they had experienced, her parents passed on their belief in the importance of education.  Judy came to UMKC to earn her MBA and a PhD in higher education and finance, completing her degrees while working and raising a family.  Today she utilizes her education and experiences during World War II to teach others about the Holocaust.

Metered Visitor Parking is available on the 5th floor of the Cherry Street Parking Garage - 50th and Oak Street.
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This event is free and open to all.  Your registration is requested.
Click the "Registration" button at the bottom of the page.

Read more about Judy's story by clicking here.

Get your tickets
to the Alumni Awards Luncheon on April 21, 2016, where Judy Jacobs will be honored with the Defying the Odds Award.

Contact Information
Dionne Lewis